We are your local travel advisor.

Welcome to Monteverde, Costa Rica.

We are experts in tourism and locals in Monteverde, one of the most active tourist areas throughout the year in Costa Rica.


We have always lived tourism and we understand the current need of the tourists who visit us, we evolve with the news of each moment; we encourage quotient tourism, friendly to the environment to enjoy and cooperate generating a positive impact where we go, thus we have chosen to offer the best of the area in an honest and transparent way, proposing the best existing options for a better use of time when they visit us.


We create tools that help the traveler to fully enjoy their experience in Costa Rica.


We operate not only as a platform for the sale of tourist services in Costa Rica, but as a complete guide for the traveler, we have 24-hour personalized attention, creation and planning of customize trips and support in different areas of the country.

Our mission

Our vision

Inspire, guide and help travelers have a deeper, richer and more experience

satisfactory on its way through Costa Rica

To be the most important travel advisor in Costa Rica & Latin America, through our network of business partners.

We assist you to experience Costa Rica.

We help you find the best way to travel.

It doesn't matter if you're staying in a world-class hostel or hotel, take a simple city tour, or jump out of a plane at 12,000 feet; We make sure that everything you experience is vetted by our team of travel experts, to create a unique trip and memories to last a lifetime. Our extensive network and experience in the travel industry will give you access to insider information on state-of-the-art providers, accommodations and destinations, which are the secret ingredients for the extraordinary experiences of Booking Monteverde.


Travel without stress, as it should be. Immerse yourself in your travel experience with helpful tips and information, along with our carefully curated list of local recommendations on what to see, do, eat and drink.

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Planning your stay in Costa Rica

Let's plan your complete experience in Costa Rica

We are experts in tourism and locals in Monteverde, one of the most active tourist areas throughout the year in Costa Rica.




+506 8562-2020

© 2022 Tino Rodríguez de las Nubes S.A. All rights reserved.

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